
The Tip-Top List of Free Keyword Research Tools

With so many free keyword research tools in existence, SEO ranking has become simplified. These tools help you find the right phrases or words to be used for better optimization. Keyword research tools can improve your blog content or website copy. This way, your brand continuously appears in search engine results (SERPs).

Keyword research tools ensure that you hit and do not miss your target. They help you in multiple ways with:

  • Developing keyword ideas.
  • Discover the number of people who use a search term and the frequency.
  • Determine trends.
  • Display search difficulty for keyword ranking.

There are an infinite number of tools built specifically for keyword research. Most of them are free and can foster a better ranking. Along with SEO, they provide data to improve marketing and sales conversion.

16 Free Keyword Research Tools for Better Ranking

Free keyword research tools range from basic to advanced, unhelpful to helpful. However, they are meant to ease and facilitate your brand. Below are 16 free keyword research tools for better ranking:

Here are the features of five of these keywords:


Ubersuggest is a free keyword research tool that works best for local SEO. It allows you to find over 100 keyword ideas (long-tail) in just minutes. With its free version, you can access a bulk of valuable data. However, its free version’s daily limited usage is 1 website and 3 keyword searches.

When using Ubersuggest, you input your search phrase, then it searches. It would display your keyword search volume, CPC, SEO difficulty, and paid difficulty. Under that list, Ubersuggest would display the number of backlinks needed for Google’s first-page ranking. 

Also, you will find different lists of page content ideas or further keyword ideas. You can also export your search data to CSV.

Key Features 

  • Keyword tracking and rank tracking
  • Backlink monitoring
  • SEO management 
  • Competitive analysis
  • Dashboard
  • Trend analysis 
  • Link management
  • Website analytics


QuestionDB is a fantastic free keyword research tool perfect for blog topic generation. It gets its results from different question-and-answer pages, such as Quora or Reddit. QuestionDB pinpoints and filters the questions people are actively feeding search engines on a range of topics.

With the free version, you have unlimited keyword searches of 50 results per search. Plus no account creation is needed. You can also easily export the results or display each question’s source link. That way, you can check out the related topics, questions, and answers.

Key Features

  • Blog topics generation 
  • In-depth information trove
  • Questions from the public
  • Allows collaboration
  • SEO ranking
  • Real-time search 


Soovle is one terrific free keyword research tool that gets data from Amazon, Bing, Yahoo, Google, etc. It is perfect for brainstorming keywords, particularly trending ones. 

Soolve also eases the process of surveying your brand mentions and ranking across different channels. You can effortlessly swap your search engines while getting in-depth data. It is an add-on for Chrome & Firefox which provides search volume (monthly), CPC, and keyword competition. 

Key Features

  • SEO ranking and visibility metrics.
  • Limitless free searches.
  • Search suggestions from 16 search engines.
  • Keywords auto-suggest feature.
  • Search result comparison.
  • Customize your view option.


Keyworddit is a great free keyword research tool that finds data from Reddit. In place of keyword search, you select a subreddit and it gathers data from the titles and comments. You can hit as many as 500 keyword ideas. Along with the tags are their respective search volumes.

Keyworddit provides keywords, content ideas, and blog topics. 

Key Features

  • You can export the list.
  • Infinite search options.
  • Limitless keyword tags or ideas.
  • Monthly search volumes.
  • Real-life answers.
  • Context link.

Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is another free keyword tool that is a Chrome add-on. Your search results display automatically on the right corner of your SERPs. It is the fastest way to get keyword tags. Similarly, it is easy to use as it is a web browser extension.

As a recent tool, it has access to comprehensive data on the web. Each search displays search volumes and visibility metrics. Along with keywords suggestions, on-page data, and CPC. 

Key Features

  • Keyword ideas.
  • Search volume.
  • Cost per click (CPC).
  • Keyword ranking competition.
  • Visibility metrics.
  • Results directly in SERPs.
  • Limitless search options.

What next?

Free keyword research tools are vital for every business. Not only does it improve SEO but it also helps you find the terms people are searching for. Some of these keyword tools are 100% free, while others have certain limits. Grow your business with us — we are SEO experts. Improve my SEO now
